Faculty Education Research and Curriculum Development

Mary Ann Huntley is currently involved in several education research and curriculum development projects. For more information on any of these efforts, contact her, or see links for specific projects below.

Mary Ann Huntley and Maria Terrell are investigating the content of the algebra strand of six commercially-available high-school textbook series.  This research was originally supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award #090131).  Dick Furnas provides statistical analysis on the large datasets produced by the project.


With funding from a Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grant (DMEG) and the Cornell University Department of Mathematics, Mary Ann Huntley is investigating the impact of the Ithaca High School Math Seminar on high-school student participants and graduate student instructors.


Mary Ann Huntley is co-editor (with Denisse Thompson, University of South Florida, and Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa) of the Information Age Publishing book series entitled Research in Mathematics Education.


Mary Ann Huntley serves as the international mathematics curriculum expert on the EU4Innovation STEM Project in Armenia, which is administered by the World Bank.

